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"Curious by nature, I am always willing to learn something new. Also, I love expressing myself creatively through different media, specially if I feel that I can give something meaningful or useful to the world. I think justice is one of my core values. Leading teams is another passion I have." 

"My extended short film FAITH premieres at Sitges Film Festival and wins Best Science Fiction Short Film at the prestigious The Philip K. Dick Film Festival at the MOMI (Museum of the Moving Image) in New York."

"At the moment I am developing the ecological drama series GAIA together with La Charito Films and with a development prize by France3. Also, me and my team at AURA Growth are helping innovative & sustainable companies at their digital strategies."


From curiosity to passion

Carol Butrón (1986) is a director, music composer, screenwriter, actress, entrepreneur, digital media expert and poet born and based in Madrid and raised in Galicia. She is CEO and founder of two companies, the production company AURA Pictures and the digital agency AURA Growth. She speaks English and French fluently and is native in Spanish and Galician.

As a multidisciplinary professional, she follows in the footsteps of her family, among the "Butrón" we find many polymaths, who have worked in several different fields at the same time, such as painting, acting, writing, mathematics, languages, medicine or politics, among others.

Carol takes up this trail and never gets tired of studying and trying new things. With a deep interesting in understanding human nature, past and future, she does a first Bachelor Degree in History and then she enrolls in a second Bachelor Degree in Audiovisual Communication & Cinema in Salamanca, finishing both at the same time.


She spends her Erasmus year at the Sorbonne in Paris, being lucky enough to study at classrooms such as the "Descartes" at the beautiful and inspiring Pantheon I and learns much about how to structure ideas, work, and definitely, how to "think better", a very relevant knowledge that still serves her today in every task she accomplishes. 


She ends studies in 2009, in the worst of the economical crisis and after struggling to find a job she studies a Master Degree in Digital Journalism in Madrid, being a "new trend" at that time.


While developing a career as a digital content expert and living in first person the exciting moment of media transformation from "mass media" to "digital media", Carol gets really passionate about digital innovation of all forms, technology, productivity, artificial intelligence and so on, that is still today one of her main dedications of work and investigation.


Despite this, at age 25, she starts feeling a lack of art in her life and decides to follow a new path and connects with her first passions as a child: acting and music. Having already a good theoretical frame from her studies as Audiovisual Communication & Cinema, she then studies Acting during two years at Theatre for the People and the Instituto del Cine de Madrid, while working.


After that, she gets specialized for a year in Screenwriting at the Factoría de Guion and starts a career as an actress first, and after that as a writer and director, absolutely falling in love with directing and producing movies, finding that it is the perfect fit for her: "through making movies and directing I feel that I can act through so many characters, it is also a great team leadership experience and definitely an art that permits me to combine so many other arts I love at once. It fills me up a lot."

"This said, I am also extremely fond of music, being a strong element in my cinema. I think listening to music was the first thing I did as a child. What I like the most is composing music, but I also love trying different instruments. I would never consider myself a truly good player or singer in general but I do think composing is a got fit for me and I love the results when playing and singing my own songs, that I like to interpret.".


"I compose the music in my movies, such as I did in FAITH (listen to the song also called Faith, that go premiered at Mondo Sonoro magazine). I think that in my head, somehow, movies are stories of great characters and actors narrated with music, sounds and images instead of images, sounds and music. Therefore I can state that my cinema comes from a deep place of intuition". 

These diverse interests lead her to found her own company, AURA International, in 2019, a hybrid audiovisual/digital company that under the slogan "Communication for a Better Future" encompasses two areas of work, the audiovisual and transmedia production company, AURA Pictures and the digitalization and innovation consultancy, AURA Growth.


In this sense, her latest project, GAIA, is hybrid: a series that is born to be narrated on screens and in the digital environment at the same time. Finally, in order to get prepared for this management rol, she studies an Master in Business Administration. 

"My generation couldn't get a job and then dedicate themselves to study; I have friends with 4 different masters. In my case, all of this sum up 12 years of studies in total, just the same as my mother did to become a doctor, specialize and get her PHD... So, not so impressive and still much to learn! :)". 


AURA Pictures 

Her first steps in the industry were in the theater, where she started acting in different Galician theatre groups when she was 9 years old, firstly as a mean to be less shy and with time as a real passion. Her first work as a director, in 2017 premiered at Festival Internacional de Gijón. Afterwards she makes some documentary works and finally she turns to her large format short film (20 min.), FAITH, a project in which she seeks to reach the same quality of any chapter of a Hollywood series. For this he works with the best professionals worldwide for 3 years, some of them will repeat in GAIA

The short film is being a great success worldwide through its distribution company, Mailuki Films, with a great catalogue of international fillmmakers. It was premiered in Spain in the Official Section of Sitges 2021, in the United States in the Official Section of the Buffalo Film Fest (BIFF), in Paris at the spectacular Grand Rex theater, where it won a Special Jury Mention and in the United Kingdom at the Wales International Film Festival. It is also touring other countries such as Costa Rica, Brazil, Croatia, Italy, and so many more.

In addition, in 2021 the short film was screened at the Film Academy of Spain. It is also selected as part of the cycle Woman in Fan (Fantastic), Sitges, being one of the 5 women chosen to screen her work in Cineteca-Matadero.

In the same year she presents GAIA to Conecta Fiction with her production company AURA Pictures, being the most awarded series (France 3 Nouvelle Aquitaine Prize to Development, Navarra TV Award, Acorde Music Library Award) and appearing three times at Variety.

A year ago she also joined the Board of Directors of the directors association Acción, as Treasurer, where she writes with Cris Gadea the first Guide of Creative Rights for Directors in Spain, sponsored by entities such as SGAE, DAMA or the Community of Madrid. It has been presented this year at the San Sebastian Film Festival and other festivals.

Recently she received the great news that there is a 4th selection in the United States for FAITH, and this one is quite special. FAITH competes in the Official Section of the prestigious Philip K. Dick Festival (author of Blade Runner) which will be screened at the great MOMI museum in New York (Museum of the Moving Image). And even greater news: Faith wins Best Science Fiction Short Film. 

AURA Growth 

It is the digital division of AURA International. It is a digital innovation consultancy in communication and marketing that helps companies in the world of technology and sustainability to grow in the digital environment, helping them with their discourse and narrative. 

Under the belief of a fairer society in all aspects, AURA's goal is to support those companies that are contributing to the improvement of the world and create a community of value based on communication, empathy and collaborative work. 






Winner Best Science Fiction Short Film

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© Carol Butrón 2024

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